Journey to the Centre of the Earth – This is an amazing interactive graphic about what happens when you go down, down, down…
It’s Not You, It’s Me – “God has a multitude of arrows in his quiver that enable him to hit his mark. Sometimes he does so in surprising, even humbling ways.” Yes he does.
RaceTogether – What happens when you go into Starbucks and, at their invitation, ask to speak about race?
The Millennial Adulthood Decision – “Millennials are often labeled as the self-centered, ‘Me’ generation, and I’ve always hated that stereotype because I didn’t really see it. Now I do. Millennials think adulthood is more self-empowerment than self-sacrifice. This explains everything.”
Of Serial Killers, Hiding Sins, and the Glorious Hope of Forgiveness in Christ – It is good to be reminded of the hope and power of the gospel.
Why I’m Not a Feminist – From the True Woman blog: “I’m just not a feminist. Here’s why…”