Yes, You Are Under Surveillance – This is worth pondering: “At first, the information age promised to empower individuals with access to previously hidden information. We could comparison shop across the world for the best price, for the best bit of knowledge, for people who shared our views. But now the balance of power is shifting…”
The Midrashiest Midrash – Denny Burk provides a spoiler-free review of Noah. Ken Ham provided a review for TIME.
Arranging a Deck of Cards – How many ways can you arrange a deck of cards? Probably a few more than you’d expect.
Things Unseen – Here’s a moving article about the loss of a little one.
How Do You Prepare for Sunday? – It’s a good question to ask. “How do you prepare to gather with your church family? Is your preparation limited to the frenetic collecting of your children, snacks, and diapers? Do you spend your time trying to convince yourself that going is better than sleeping in? Or maybe you don’t even think to prepare, because it’s just another routine that you’ve developed?”
What About Life Insurance? – Randy Alcorn thinks through life insurance from a biblical perpsective.