Today I was able to track down only a couple of minor Kindle deals. We’ll hope for better things tomorrow.
2017 National Conference Streaming
The Ligonier Ministries National Conference begins today and is being livestreamed. Speakers include R.C. Sproul, Alistair Begg, Sinclair Ferguson, Robert Godfrey, Michael Horton, Steven Lawson, John MacArthur, Albert Mohler, and several others. I’ll be speaking tomorrow evening.
A Failed Abortion Saved My Life
This is quite the story. “Miraculously, when my mother saw me she couldn’t leave me to die. She made a pro-life choice and demanded I receive immediate medical care. I lived because of my mother’s choice—but she’s not the only reason I’m pro-life today.”
Helms Deep: How to Film an Epic Battle (Video)
This video shows how and why the battle of Helms Deep (from The Two Towers) was such a cinematic success.
Suffering is a Doorway, Not a Dead End
At some point we will all suffer for Christ. “In that moment, one of the most helpful things is to remember what is on the other side of that door. Suffering for Christ is not a dead end (though it might feel like it!). Rather, it is always a doorway to greater joy and life. Here are three ways that are so.”
How to Critique Sermons: A List of Diagnostic Questions
These are helpful guidelines for critiquing sermons. To be clear, these are for critiquing the sermon as part of a formal, weekly review process, not for the family to work through on the way home.
Thinking? Conference Toronto 2017
Torontonians may be interested in this conference meant to equip them to communicate the Christian worldview and interact with other worldviews with confidence and clarity.
Yes, You Can Please Your Heavenly Father
Kevin DeYoung: “Over and over, more than a dozen times in the New Testament, we have this motivation. We ought to be generous. We ought to be godly. We ought to love and live a certain way because it pleases God.”
D.A. Carson on American Politics and the Benedict Option
This may be of interest. “How do we walk, careful not to fan the flames of political animosity? If we get embroiled in heated political debates online or even in face-to-face conversations with others, what is the cost on our evangelistic priorities in culture? More generally, perhaps we should ask: Are Christians too deeply embedded in American culture already, as some have recently suggested?”
Flashback: Hobbies to the Glory of God
How should Christians look at hobbies as a way of glorifying God? Is it possible to glorify God by having hobbies that might not have real practical purposes, other than the actual enjoyment of them? Or should our hobbies always be more practical and purposeful?