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A La Carte (May 1)


I know some people are growing weary of reading about the coronavirus and its widespread effects. I also know a good number of articles I link to every day are on that very topic. That’s because it is what everyone is writing about these days. Do know I do my best to try to find good, fresh content that is about other things! It’s just hard to find some days…

Today’s Kindle deals include a lot of good books. You may also want to browse the monthly general market deals.

The Virus Isn’t the Only Test for the Church

Clint Humfrey says, “No church leader today could have predicted the severe test that COVID-19 has brought to the church. But the greatest test is yet to come.” And I think he could be right. The greatest test will be whether Christians can love one another in the days to come.

How This Chair Conquered the World (Video)

I enjoyed this video not least because I’ve actually seen this chair all over the world.

Essential Confusion

Writing for WORLD, Katie Gaultney writes about some of the confusion about what marks an essential from a non-essential business. “Experts, such as CDC director Robert Redfield, have warned that a ‘second wave’ of infections this winter may be worse than the first. Even as shops throw open the shutters with hopefulness this spring, round two of business closures may be mere months away. Round one left the economy reeling, and lawmakers now have an opportunity to assess what worked when shutting down businesses—but also what could improve if the world faces a similar crisis in the future.”

How Airlines Park Thousands Of Planes (Video)

Here’s how airlines are dealing with their fleets while air travel has been mostly shut down. What a logistical nightmare! (Also, does it bother anyone else to see near-perfect lines of planes, but with one off-kilter from all the others?)

Why Hope Will Conquer Death

Kathryn Butler: “Like many retired healthcare professionals, I’ve rejoined the workforce to assist as coronavirus cases surge. As I transition from days immersed in books with my kids to nights helping people cling to life, I agonize about the faces and names behind the numbers.” (Her book is excellent and well worth reading.)

The Two Paths Out of Trials

This article is about trials, but was written before this virus existed, so it’s not specifically about this trial.

Testing for COVID-19: What Does It Mean?

We hear so much about the importance and prevalence of testing, both for symptoms and antibodies. But what do those actually involve and what do they actually mean? Here are basic answers.

Flashback: No Squishy Love, No Brutal Truth

Let’s ensure our discussions and debates are as marked by Christian character as our conclusions are grounded in biblical truth.

If we allow poison upon the lip, it may ere long penetrate to the inwards, and it is well to keep out of the mouth that which we would shut out from the heart.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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