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A La Carte (May 14)


Today’s Kindle deals include a nice selection of good reads.

Last week I put together a list of new and notable books for May. Westminster Books is holding a giveaway and giving you a chance to win them all!

(Yesterday on the blog: I Love Parenting Teenagers!)

Walk with Me Through a Midlife Crisis

John Piper: “I don’t know all the factors that precipitate such a crisis, or even if, thirty years later, the statistics are still the same. I am no expert on midlife crises. But I do know that was a very hard season of life, and the record of it in my journals is to this day painful to read.” I remember being there for the rather funny anecdote with John MacArthur.

Mothers Don’t Get Days. We Get Moments

“When it comes to Mother’s Day, every mother knows that there is no such thing. It’s just another chance, like all days are, for God to take our breath away with one baby smile. For Him to whisper His love and care for us through the tiniest moments that have nothing to do with breakfast in bed or spa days or gift cards.”

Albert Mohler | Ask Anything Live

Last week, Albert Mohler answered listener-submitted questions covering a wide a range of topics from theology, parenting, ethics, ministry, and more. He covered several issues related to women in the SBC.

Why Did God Command Hosea to Marry an Immoral Woman?

“What would you say if a Christian friend claimed God had told him to marry an immoral woman? To say the least, you’d have reservations, right? You’d probably tell him what the Bible says about being “unequally yoked” and warn him of the dangers of missionary dating.”

5 Principles for Sexual Sin

It’s so important to face sexual sin and to address it properly. “Without question, sexual sin must be addressed and dealt with in the body of Christ. If we do not lovingly and firmly face our impurities, our lack of discipline will most certainly lead to disaster.”

The Everyday Relevance of Eternal Life

“Jesus’ promise of eternal life isn’t a denial of or a distraction from the beauty or the pain of life in this world; rather, it’s a direct response to the mixture of joy and sorrow that always marks our experience in this world. And this promise has the power to transform how we enjoy our lives now as we wait for the life to come.”

What the Bible Says About Itself

Jared Wilson tells us what the Bible says about itself in each book of the Bible.

Flashback: I Want To Buy Your Cheapest Phone!

I see no clear path to enjoying all the benefits of the smartphone without also bearing the cost of all its drawbacks. I love my phone when I own it; I hate my phone when it owns me. And I just haven’t figured out yet how to be the one who remains in charge.

Miracles do nothing for those who do not have the spiritual eyes to see them.

—Jared Wilson

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