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A La Carte (May 15)

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Overstock Sale – I know I already linked to Westminster Books once this week, but thought I’d do so again since they have some great deals on overstock and imperfect items (including books by some favorite authors).

Love Theologically – Here’s a good word from Mike Wittmer on a common false dichotomy.

The State of the PCA – Bryan Chapell has a long and interesting evaluation of the current state of the Presbyterian Church in America. (Richard Phillips replies.)

Should We Call Them Bullies? – John Knight pulls no punches in this article on bullies, disability, and abortion.

Our Words Will Be Thunder When Our Life Is Like Lightning – That’s a great title for a good article.

Pixar Easter Eggs – This video displays some of the internal cohesion in Pixar movies.


Love is counting someone else’s needs and interests as more important than your own needs or interests or comfort.

—Tim Keller

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