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A La Carte (May 20)

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The Real Proverbs 31 Mom – “She was a new member of the church and asked me how she could get more involved. I mentioned several things including women’s ministry and when I did her countenance changed and she said, ‘I just cannot take another Proverbs 31 study!’”

Mahaney and Harris Leave TGC – In the wake of the conviction of a child molester at Covenant Life Church, both Joshua Harris and C.J. Mahaney have resigned from The Gospel Coalition. (CT also has the story.)

Motherhood and the Abortion Culture – I think there is more to the story than this, but certainly not less.

8 Ways to Comfort the Suffering – Articles like this are so important because I need to be reminded of these things again and again.

Where People Run – This isn’t going to save or change your life, but it’s still kind of interesting to see where people run in various cities.

God Herself – We tend to react emotionally when someone refers to God as “her.”

Skydog on Sale – The Skydog router I told you about a short time ago has gone on sale. You can use coupon code SKYDOGBY to get it down to $99.


God uses men who are weak and feeble enough to lean on him.

—Hudson Taylor

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