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A La Carte (May 21)


The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you today.

I’m glad to see this new edition of Catherine Vos’s The Child’s Story Bible (that, along with lots of other children’s resources, is on sale at Westminster Books).

You’ll find just a couple of deals on the Kindle deals page.

Rapid-Onset Revolution

“Moral change requires regime change. The nature of authority demands it. Today we are experiencing moral revolution and realignment at a rate perhaps never before seen in human history. All around us, the landscape is in flux, as revolution continues its long march through the institutions.” An interesting article at CBMW looks at the rapid onset of this revolution.

Taste And See

Chris Thomas: “The fulfilled Christian life takes place around a table, a place where laughter and memories are born, a place where stories are shared and tears are spilled. The fulfilled Christian life happens around a table, a place where we sit and share a meal with Jesus, or more shockingly, a place where we sit and our meal is Jesus!”

Progressive Christians: Where and How They Differ with Jesus

This article by Colton Hinson describes some of the key differences between progressive Christianity and orthodox Christianity.

In Praise of Deep, Slow Study

There is something to be said for deep and slow study of God’s Word.

Preaching from the Pit

Doug Eaton explains how “sometimes you are called to preach from the pit. Pain, suffering, grief, and sorrow are not reasons for the minister to back away from his calling to proclaim the word of God; they are often reasons to lean into it.”

Are You Looking High Enough?

“Like many of you I’ve walked with Jesus a long time but in spite of how well He gets me, I still don’t get Him. Why does He allow certain things to happen? How He works is mysterious to me. What requests He answers, and which ones He doesn’t, affairs of the world and affairs of the heart, where is He in all of it?”

My Hiding Place

“Suffering has a way of parting the heart, chiseling a highway straight down the middle, before offering grave detours; choices. I have yet to meet a Christian who radiates the image of the Creator, that has not suffered well, choosing to accept in peace the precise will of God.”

Flashback: When Your Testimony Just Isn’t That Good

…salvation is no more genuine to those who can clearly remember and recount the circumstances that led to their conversion. And I would go so far as to say that the “boring” testimonies of childhood conversions are the most blessed of all. After all, aren’t these exactly the testimonies we wish for our children?

The great antidote to anxiety is to come to God in prayer. We are to pray about everything. Nothing is too big for Him to handle, and nothing is too small to escape His attention.

—Jerry Bridges

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