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A La Carte (May 24)

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Good morning from beautiful Albania. I am here to speak at an event for pastors (today and tomorrow) and to participate in a joint worship service (on Sunday). I am very much looking forward to it!

Westminster Books is offering a free micro course for pastors. It’s worth a look!

To Sit in the Threat of Loss

“There is a sanctifying characteristic of foreseen grief. It is that way in which even the threat of loss discolours everything; the way in which foreseen grief seems to threaten not just a joy, but all joys, to undermine not just one aspect of life but the ground on which life is set.”

The World Cannot Be Gender Blind

Trevin Wax: “One of the strange ironies of our times: a significant segment of the left pushes back forcefully against the idea of ‘color blindness’ regarding race but demands what amounts to ‘gender blindness’ regarding sex. We’re supposed to assume racial distinctions are inevitable and enduring in most, if not all, interactions in society, while in debates over marriage, relationships, sports, bathrooms, or medicine, justice demands we ignore or minimize the real and meaningful differences between men and women.”

The Missing Years

Mary Nolte considers a phenomenon we all may experience: missing years. “We were preparing for our daughter’s wedding when she called me one day in a slight panic, ‘Mom, I have no pictures of myself from 2009-2011! What happened?’”

Too Much Times

And just as many have missing years, many also have “too much times.” “Too Much Times are days, weeks, or whole years marked by too many demands, responsibilities, and burdens and not enough internal and external resources to keep all the balls in the air. They often develop in times of sorrow or sickness.”

Finding Freedom in God’s Providence

Ah yes, there is such freedom in both understanding and resting in God’s providence.

The Weighted Vest of Pastoral Ministry

Erik Raymond explains how pastoral ministry can be like wearing a weighted vest.

Flashback: What I Pack In My Spiritual First Aid Kit

As I journey round the world, I know I need to carry a medical first aid kit with me. As I journey through this life, I know I need the spiritual equivalent. It has served me well and, I trust, will continue to as I plod on in this great pilgrimage.

Oh despise not election! therein lies all your hope, that there is a remnant who shall infallibly be saved.

—Thomas Goodwin

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