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A La Carte (May 5)


Good morning from Copenhagen, Denmark. I’m spending a day here on my way to Norway where I’ll be preaching at a local church and enjoying some scenery over the next few days.

I recently enjoyed being a guest on the Spurgeon Maniacs podcast, which you can listen to here.

How to Have the Mind of Christ

“It is all very well to say that being ‘worthy of the gospel of Christ’ means being restored to the image of God so that we begin to reflect the character of the Lord Jesus. But what does that mean?” Who would you rather have explain this than Sinclair Ferguson?

The Problem with the Trilemma

“We’re an age that likes shortcuts. We want ‘three simple steps to get rich’ and ‘eating this one vegetable will make you lose weight.’ That goes for what passes as discourse in our society, too. We don’t want nuance or careful reasoning. What’s popular is ‘this one argument will own [the other party]’ and ‘watch this Christian/skeptic destroy skeptics/Christians.’”

Why the surge in LGBT identity deserves a closer look

A recent report proclaimed that around a quarter of Millennials identify as one of the letters in the omnipresent, ever-lengthening acronym that begins with LGBT. This article explains why that number should be taken with a grain of salt. I am inclined to agree with the main conclusion, though certainly not with some of the other applications and takeaways.

When a Good God Seems Far From Good

Sarah Walton: “Have you ever stood before a spiritual fork in the road? One where you know the ‘godly answer’ to your painful circumstances, but there seems to be an impenetrable wall that stands between your head and your heart? It’s the tension between knowing something to be true but struggling to believe it when the evidence seems stacked against it.”


Does the Bible condone polygamy (as some like to charge)? Obviously not, as Mitch explains in this article.

What does it mean to be winsomely Reformed? (Video)

Michael Kruger considers what it means to be winsomely Reformed.

Flashback: We Always Glean Among the Sheaves

We are not left to glean for hope in barren fields, not left trying to pick up the scraps of his mercy when others have already taken the best of it. Always we gather into our arms the abundance of his mercy, the overflow of his grace.

Do all the good you can, in all the ways you can, to all the souls you can, in every place you can, at all the times you can, with all the zeal you can, every time you can.

—John Wesley

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