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Weekend A La Carte (May 25)

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My gratitude goes to Moody Publishers for sponsoring the blog this week to tell you about a new book by Steve DeWitt titled Loneliness. It’s one you may want to check out!

Today’s Kindle deals include a few books that should be of interest.

(Yesterday on the blog: A Summertime Family Update (And Guess Who’s Going To Be a Grandfather!))

Don’t Regret Your Past—Redeem It

Though we do many regrettable things, we do not need to live our lives in regret. God has something better for us to do, as Curtis Solomon explains here.

Parents, Are You Raising Angry Partisans?

“Christian parents are called to raise our children ‘in the discipline and instruction of the Lord’ (Ephesians 6:4). Our children, in other words, should be able to look to us to see what a life submitted to Christ looks like. We should live in a manner that makes the gospel more intelligible to our children. I wonder, however, if our angry partisanship models the way of the flesh more than the way of Christ.” That’s well worth considering.

You’re Gonna Lose Everything

“I know people who, if they come to Christ, will lose everything.” As do you and I, I’m sure.

My Husband and I Keep Fighting Over the Same Thing

Aaron Sironi offers counsel on one of those situations that seems all too common in marriage.

What Are the “All Things” I Can Do in Christ?

This is a good passage to understand correctly!

How Are We Handling Generational Differences?

Stephen Kneale writes about some of the ways older and younger generations can fail to be gracious and loving toward one another.

Flashback: Why I Am Not Roman Catholic

Rome has a gospel but not the gospel and, in reality, their gospel damns not saves because it explicitly denies that justification comes by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. 

Christ refuses none for weakness, but accepts none for greatness.

—Richard Sibbes

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