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A La Carte (May 7)

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How Christianity Invented Children – Fascinating: “There are many ideas that we simply take for granted as natural and obvious, when in fact they didn’t exist until the arrival of Christianity changed things completely. Take, for instance, the idea of children.”

To the Sons and Daughters of Divorce – “Children with divorced parents have experienced a different kind of violent, traumatic collision. And every child of divorce must likewise walk a path of healing.”

Why Christians of All People Should Get Their Vaccines – I know some people will disagree with this, but do at least consider the point he makes.

Listen As He Talks – Here’s why you should listen to your son as he talks about video games.

Protecting Your Ministry – This is a helpful, and perhaps even important, guide to protecting your church or ministry from lawsuits related to sexual orientation and gender. (Note: The link opens a PDF file.)

Living with Eyes Forward to That Day – There is tons of encouragement here, no matter what sin you struggle with.

Slot Machines – This article explains the addictive power of slot machines and the quest to bring that level of addiction to mobile phones as well. (Note: There is a swear word or two in the article.)

Depend on it, my hearer, you never will go to heaven unless you are prepared to worship Jesus Christ as God.

—C.H. Spurgeon


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