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A La Carte (May 8)

Today’s Kindle deals include several books to browse through. One of them is my favorite recent book on marriage.

On Redefining Words and Character Assassination

Summer White on Jen Hatmaker: “The problem is not some ambiguous establishment that has plotted against Hatmaker. The problem is that Hatmaker broke ranks with what Christians have believed for thousands of years: namely, that God is holy.”

When Robots Take the Wheel (Video)

Wired has an interesting series on robots taking the wheels of our cars (and trucks).

I Just Want Her To Be Happy

“I have been a medical doctor in the United States for more than thirty years. Today, I often hear American parents say, ‘I just want my child to be happy.’ Unfortunately, when you let contemporary American kids do whatever makes them happy, the result is likely to be teenage girls who spend all their time on Instagram or Snapchat, and teenage boys whose favorite pastimes are video games and pornography.”

The Cumulative Effect of Little Choices

Randy Alcorn: “Sink holes remind us of two things: first, something can look good on the outside, when underneath major problems have been going on for years, and disaster’s about to happen. Second, our lives are affected by little choices, which have cumulative effects that can result in either moral strength or moral disaster.”

Eight Reasons Churches Became Too Busy

The simple fact is, a lot of churches are far too busy. Here’s how many of them got that way.

Make Room for Different Kinds of Discipleship

“Discipleship or mentoring is a hot topic in Christian circles. It seems everyone weighs in on the ‘right’ way to do it.” But maybe that’s not quite the right way to think about it.

Why Do Christians Love the Law?

It’s simple: “The truth of the matter is that not just anyone loves the law of God but only those who have been set free by our law-giving, law-keeping, and law-liberating Savior.”

Flashback: The False Teachers: T.D. Jakes

Until Jakes clearly affirms the orthodox definition of the Trinity and denies the Modalist definition of the Trinity, we must regard him warily as a false teacher.

Why expository preaching? Because God knows what his people need better than you do.

—Bobby Jamieson

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