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A La Carte (October 10)


Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians!

Today’s Kindle deals include several volumes of the excellent Preaching the Word series of commentaries (which are ideal for devotional reading or sermon preparation or anything in between).

(Yesterday on the blog: Seasons of Sorrow Application Questions & Group Study Guide)

When My Iranian Friend Took Mohler’s Parking Spot

This one gave me a laugh. “‘Hi, this is campus po-lees,’ began the thick Kentucky accent. ‘Are you A.W.?’ ‘I am. Is everything OK?’ I replied, suddenly nervous. ‘Well… I got an Eye-rain-eeun here who says he’s comin’ to your place, but I caught him parkin’ in the president’s parking spot.’”

Gather to Grow

Karen tells of how she left the local church and what eventually brought her back.

Hearts Painted by the Word Again and Again

“The job of painting the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco is never-ending. I heard once that they paint it end-to-end, but by the time they get to the end—however many years that may take—it is time to start over.” This leads to a helpful reflection.

The Reformation Ideal of Marriage

Michael Haykin: “Our memory of what took place during the sixteenth-century Reformation has been somewhat selective. As heirs of Reformed Protestantism, we have remembered it chiefly as a recovery of the gospel and the biblical way of worship. But we also need to recall it as a great recovery of the biblical understanding of marriage.”

Offers of Safety Are Not Always Safe

“When my children were young, I thought the best way to protect them from the evils of the world was avoidance. And that may be true for the very young. But as they grew up, I realized they were going to be young men out in the world some day. It would be better to teach them what was right and wrong with the things they would face.”

Reading Across the Chapter Breaks in 2 Timothy

This article reminds us that chapter breaks in the Bible are not original and sometimes very unhelpful.

Flashback: Rule #5: Ponder the Brevity of Life (8 Rules for Growing in Godliness)

Even the greatest believers will still be laden by sin as they cross the finish and receive their crown. The holiest saints will still be stained with sin, drawn to evil. It is only in the presence of Christ where they will experience final deliverance from the power of sin and final transformation to complete holiness.

The man who measures himself by the size of his bank balance will never have enough money to seem big in his own eyes.

—Al Stewart

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