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A La Carte (October 16)


Good morning. Grace and peace to you today.

(Yesterday on the blog: A Prayer for My Parent Heart)

Start Giving Before You Inherit

“Millennials may inherit over $68 trillion from previous generations by 2030. According to Newsweek, some experts believe this ‘could be the largest transfer of wealth in the history of humankind.’ What will younger generations do with that wealth?” Randy Alcorn has a proposal for you to consider.

Biblical Hope When It’s Time to Consider Residential Care

“No one dreams about putting their loved one in a home. We all hold out hope that we will be able to manage when age and disease come calling. That’s a beautiful hope, worthy of clinging to. I’m not here to pop that bubble, but the fact is, seventy percent of us over age sixty-five will need long term care at some point, not to mention extended hospital stays, rehabilitation, or psychiatric treatment.”

3 Core Beliefs of the Transgender Movement

Samuel Ferguson explains three core beliefs of the transgender movement (and why they do not accord with what the Bible teaches). He also expresses some concerns about transitioning.

Bright on the Outside, Dark on the Inside: Why Salvation Is a Matter of the Heart

Pierce Taylor Hibbs: “When it comes to spiritual matters, what you see is seldom what you get. Appearances aren’t just deceiving; they can be damning. History is rife with examples of hypocrisy: those who claim to be full of light but who are, in fact, dark as dungeons. A recent example reminded me just how important it is to maintain that the inside is what matters most. Salvation is a matter of the heart, not a battle for the head. And I’ll explain why.”

Partnering Together to Plant

“Cooperation is built on a theological foundation. Pastors, we are brothers! This theological truth shows up in basically every New Testament epistle. And part of what the New Testament calls us to is cooperation in the mission that God has given to his church.” Nate Akin encourages churches to be willing and eager to cooperate in planting new churches.

Even Heretics Know Hebrew: How to Interpret the Bible in Partisan Times

I have been enjoying these longform articles from Desiring God. In this one Kevin Vanhoozer describes a hermeneutics of boldness and humility.

Flashback: There Are Different Kinds of Tired

A day spent purposefully, a day spent in bringing glory to God by doing good to others—this is a day that will bring pleasure, even as it brings fatigue, this is a day that will bring joy, even as it brings weariness.

God takes everyone he loves through a desert. It is his cure for our wandering hearts, restlessly searching for a new Eden.

—Paul Miller

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