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A La Carte (October 20)


Good morning. Grace and peace to you.

(Yesterday on the blog: What Jesus Sees Even When Others Do Not)

How An Attempted Car Theft Taught Me To Love Where I Live Even More

“Being a human is hard enough without the burden of not being able to trust other humans. Without the burden of not being able to trust locks. If the would-be robbers had genuinely needed something, they could have asked and I would have been willing to help, or at least try. But I don’t think they needed anything as much as they needed a new way of thinking about the world and the people around them.”

A Message to Intentionally Childless Millennials

I think this article proves why longform writing is so often more helpful than writing that has been sized for social media (and, even worse, for Twitter). Here Shane Morris explains a tweet he made expressing his concern for the many millennials who are deliberately choosing not to have children.

Where do we draw the line on hate speech?

Jason Thacker: “Christians, in particular, should affirm many of these guidelines because of our belief in the innate value and dignity of all people as created in God’s image and the freedom of conscience that flows from our understanding of the imago Dei (Gen. 1:26-28). But when hate speech is broadened to include speech that makes one feel uncomfortable or that one simply does not like, we have set a dangerous precedent for public discourse.”

What’s wrong with swearing?

Is there anything wrong with swearing? If so, what?

10 Important Personal Lessons I Learned From Adopting a Child with Special Needs

“I tell people that it was against my better judgment to say ‘yes’ to the adoption of our special needs daughter, Anah. Unlike the many kind-hearted and compassionate people who adopt for godly reasons, I adopted to alleviate my guilt and fear. You can do the right things with completely sinful motives, and I say that to make sure you don’t give me more credit than I am due.” Yet, as Vera Christian explains, the Lord has done such good things.

Encouragement for the Trials We Face

“There is a bright tomorrow coming when Christ returns. On that day, we will live in the world we’ve always longed for—a place of perfect joy, a home where hard times will never come again. In the meantime, it is through many tribulations that we must enter the kingdom of God (Acts 14:22). As we await an imperishable inheritance, we will be, for a little while, grieved by various trials (1 Peter 1:6). How should we think about the trials that are sure to come?”

Flashback: Gospel Weariness

Gospel weariness…stirs within us a holy longing to be done with this life and to enter into the life to come. It fixates on God’s promises, promises of deliverance, of restitution, of eternal peace…It is a weariness that cries with the saints of all the ages, “Come, Lord Jesus!”

A holy life will make the deepest impression. Lighthouses blow no horns, they just shine.

—D.L. Moody

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