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A La Carte (October 25)


Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

There’s a small collection of Kindle deals to look at today.

(Yesterday on the blog: Prayer for the Unconverted)

Social Media’s Anger Problem

This is all too common. “Someone says something online that we find offensive, and we retaliate with a harsh word, a quick jab, or a joke at their expense. What we have done at that moment is allow them to steal our blessing of a quiet and gentle spirit to pay them back for their worthless words.”

Funeral Pants

Glenna Marshall writes about laments and funeral pants. “‘How long, O Lord?’ I have prayed many times this week. In the night while fighting with my own body and the pain that seems to rule it. After phone calls that break your heart for the suffering of others. In a funeral service where the parents weep for the babies whose lives ended on the day of their birth.”

Let the Little Moments Linger

“We are told that we can be whomever we want; we can pick whatever career interests us; we can change the world. Then, when we pursue our passions (or when we go with the smart, practical decision), sometimes things don’t end up being quite what we envisioned. Are we meant for bigger things?”

Stream the Luther Documentary for Free

Through the end of October, Ligonier Ministries has enabled free streaming of the award-winning documentary Luther: The Life and Legacy of the German Reformer on their YouTube channel. You can also download the accompanying study guide for free. (Sponsored Link)

6 Things You Should Do Before You Leave Your Church

“So, you’ve decided to leave your church: you’re moving, or you’ve come to a doctrinal impasse, or there has been conflict that you’ve tried to navigate, but the church has been unwilling to biblically walk through a peacemaking process to bring about reconciliation.” This is a helpful little guide on leaving well.

Why China is Building Africa’s Railways (Video)

As I’ve traveled within Africa, I’ve been fascinated to see the massive Chinese investment in infrastructure. This video helps explain what’s going on.

Live Like You’ll Live Forever

Greg Morse: “How would the world change overnight if all people everywhere heard that a man had cured death? How many ages would pass celebrating the discovery? But as it stands, these same people bypass the knowledge of a true eternity because it is not the eternity they invented.”

Flashback: The Discipline of Watching

Each of us has certain sins to which we are particularly prone and the flesh, the sin that remains within us, is always looking for just the smallest crack, the smallest weakness, the smallest invitation.

Certainly Satan would never make such a fierce and constant war as he doth upon private prayer, were it not a necessary duty, a real duty, and a soul-enriching duty.

—Thomas Brooks

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