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A La Carte (October 29)


Today’s Kindle deals include some books on leadership–and a few others.

(Yesterday on the blog: An Explanatory Lord’s Supper)

Silicon Valley Nannies Are Phone Police for Kids

What do they know that we don’t? “Silicon Valley parents are increasingly obsessed with keeping their children away from screens. Even a little screen time can be so deeply addictive, some parents believe, that it’s best if a child neither touches nor sees any of these glittering rectangles. These particular parents, after all, deeply understand their allure.”

Jesus’ Favorite Title for Himself and What It Reveals

“But what does this title actually mean about who Jesus was? What does it tell us about his work in saving us? We can see three things about how he fulfilled this Old Testament prophecy.” The title? Son of Man, of course.

Recapturing a Love for Public Scripture Reading

“The example of public Scripture reading in the early church reminds us that cultivating this art does not happen by chance, it requires careful reflection and preparation. But perhaps, if we want our people to recapture a love for God’s word it might just be worth the effort.” Yes! Let’s go back to reading significant portions of Scripture.

Meet the German Reformer who set the world ablaze. Until Reformation Day, October 31, Ligonier Ministries and Reformation Trust are offering the ebook edition of The Legacy of Luther edited by R.C. Sproul and Stephen Nichols as a free download.

On Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing

“DTC genetic testing has been a great boon to ancestry work, but it comes with many potential pitfalls. Be sure you prayerfully consider what you are getting into when you sign up. The Lord calls you to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves (Matthew 10:16). One of the ways you do that is by having your eyes open as you interact with technological developments that often outpace our ability to evaluate them ethically.”

Why Christians Need a Better Debate About Alcohol

Joe Carter explains why we need to discuss alcohol. “About 1 in 20 deaths around the world result from harmful use of alcohol, according to a new report by the World Health Organization (WHO). This represents more than 5 percent of the global disease burden. What can Christians do about this epidemic?”

Justin Taylor on the 10-Year Anniversary of the ESV Study Bible

The ESV Study Bible has been a tremendous blessing. Here’s how it came about. “In this interview, we sit down with Justin Taylor, executive vice president for book publishing and book publisher at Crossway, to discuss the publication of the ESV Study Bible, which first released ten years ago this month.”

Ken Ham—The Man Everyone Loves to Hate

You may enjoy this feature on Ken Ham. “You would be hard-pressed to find a more vilified modern Christian than Ken Ham. The founder and CEO of Answers in Genesis is regularly called names not fit to print simply because he insists the Bible is God’s Word and it means what it says. Day after day, nasty critiques flood the ministry, often aimed directly at Ken by name. Why would anyone in his right mind voluntarily enter the Colosseum every day to face the lions?”

Flashback: 18 Things I Will Not Regret Doing With My Wife

I am convinced God has called me to lovingly lead my wife. This kind of leadership does not come easy to me, but I know there is a high cost to refusing to take it up. I never regret leading Aileen, when I lead with her good as my goal and with Christ as my model.

We obey God not because we are afraid of what He will do to us if we do not. Rather, we obey Him because we are moved by all that He has done for us in Jesus Christ.

—Anthony Carter

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