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A La Carte (October 9)


Good morning. Grace and peace to you today.

There is quite a good-sized collection of Kindle deals to begin the week.

(Yesterday on the blog: When the Hands Must Loose That Now So Fondly Clasp)

The Transforming Power of Hopeful Love in Marriage

Here’s a good article about love and marriage—or love in marriage, I suppose.

Pastor, Not Entrepreneur

“Emphasis matters. When it came to making disciples and planting churches, Jesus or Paul never emphasized being entrepreneurial. It’s true, they believe hell is real and that making disciples and planting churches is desperately urgent. Yet this never led them to highlight industriousness or creativity for church planters.” This is such an important issue.

A Sexular Stage

Stephen McAlpine: “The stage is now set for a very public divide in evangelicalism around the best pastoral approach to those church participants who are advocates of the Sexular Age, or who find themselves struggling with sexual sins that the wider culture celebrates. And once again it’s been done from a big stage. A very big stage.”

Spiritual Abuse

“If there are two words that should never be put next to each other they are ‘spiritual’ and ‘abuse’. However, the sad reality is that they are words that sometimes need to be used together to describe the sinful behaviour of some Christians towards other Christians particularly involving the misuse of power.” I appreciate this look at spiritual abuse.

Don’t Lose the Languages

If you’ve gone through all the trouble of learning the biblical languages, make sure you don’t lose them! This article is meant to help with some strategies.

Tracing Christianity’s Impact on Slavery through the Centuries

Sharon James considers Christianity’s impact on slavery through the centuries.

Flashback: What To Expect When Battling Sin

Putting sin to death is a long and violent struggle against a deadly enemy that is absolutely devoted to our destruction. In this way we should not expect that putting sin to death will be easy, and we should not expect that sin will go quietly.

The road of sorrow is the road to Heaven but there are wells of refreshing water along the route.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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