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A La Carte (September 2)


Today’s Kindle deals include a whole stack of books on marriage. I’ve put the first few in the order I’d recommend reading them.

You’ve got just one more day to take advantage of Logos’s great deal on the Word Biblical Commentary (which is discounted from $1199.99 to just $399.99).

(Yesterday on the blog: May the Peoples Praise You)

A Word to Preachers on Different Types of Preacher

Mark Loughridge “recently saw video clip featuring Alistair Begg describing different types of preachers—poor preachers: The Cheerleader (always looking applause), The Conjuror (pulling things out of the text which aren’t there)…” He adds a few to the list.

Full Day View of Hurricane Dorian

There is strange and terrifying beauty in a video like this one, which shows Hurricane Dorian from above over the course of a day.

The Post-Truth World of Influencer Romances

There’s some ugly stuff in this article from Wired, but it’s good to know, considering the outsized influence social media influencers have, especially over young folk. “Here are some new ways to describe your upcoming nuptials, courtesy of Tana Mongeau, one half of YouTube’s most controversial power couple. You are invited to: ‘a lighthearted thing we’re obviously doing for fun and content,’ that’s ‘one of the biggest days of my career,’ and marks the start of ‘a 72-day Kim Kardashian marriage,’ a union in ‘Holy Cloutrimony’ that you can watch live for just $50.”

Can Loved Ones in Heaven Look Down on Me?

John Piper answers what’s quite a common question. In short, “Ultimately, I think the answer is that we don’t know for sure. At least, we don’t know to what extent they might be allowed to see and know all that happens on earth.”

Find A Church First?

We’re often told that before we move somewhere, we ought to find a good church there. I think it’s generally sound advice, but this article explains why it’s not quite so simple. “This advice is well-intended, but I’m not convinced that it is appropriate to the situation that we are living in today. There are a number of reasons for this.”

An Elevator Pitch for Church Membership

Do you believe in church membership? If not, maybe read this elevator pitch for it (and the slightly longer pitch that follows). For me, I believe church membership makes good sense of the biblical data.

Usage Share of Internet Browsers (Video)

Your interest in this video will probably vary with the length of time you’ve been on the Internet. It’s interesting to see how much has changed over the years when it comes to our most basic tool for experiencing the internet.

Flashback: The First Two Minutes Matter Most

Determine right now that when the service ends, you will do your utmost to give the first two minutes to someone you don’t know or to someone you don’t know well.

The only necessary key to understanding the Bible is to approach it with a humble and contrite heart softened by the Holy Spirit, ready to listen to what God says, and just as ready to obey him.

—David R. Helm

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