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A La Carte (September 22)

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Women in Combat

Writing for Canada’s National Post, this columnist makes some valid (and completely counter-cultural points). He asks, “Why are we determined to put women in combat alongside men when we absolutely refuse to do it in sports?”

Debauching Kermit

This is a sign of the times, I suppose. “What were previously sly winks to a grownup audience are now grotesque full-body grimaces, delivered with depressing sledgehammer brutality.”

How ‘Faith-Based Film’ Became a Dirty Term

“Hollywood is getting hip to the Christian box-office boost, but the directors of movies like Captive don’t want to be lumped in with the religious flops of the past.”

Why You Need To Preach the Song of Songs

James Hamilton has recently completed a commentary on Song of Songs and in this article explains why every church should consider preaching through the book.

5 Ways to Read a Blog Post Without Getting Your Jimmies Rustled

We all need the occasional refresher here.

This Day in 2006: Christianity Today published Collin Hansen’s pivotal article, Young, Restless, Reformed. The article gave a name and definition to a new but discernible movement.

The Man Who Got No Whammies

Here’s a fascinating article about a guy who beat the show Press Your Luck. “Something was very wrong. Here was this guy from nowhere, and he kept going around the board and hitting the bonus boxes every time. It was bedlam, I can tell you. And we couldn’t stop this guy.”

Daniel Norris

There’s little doubt about it: Detroit Tigers’ pitcher Daniel Norris is one of the most interesting people in baseball.


It is treason against the King of kings to tone down the word of the Lord.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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