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A La Carte (September 22)

Readers may want to check out deals from Westminster Books on Our Secular Age from The Gospel Coalition or the ESV Thinline Bible from Crossway.

If you’ve never tried Logos before, the barrier to entry is lower than ever: They now have a free, browser-based version anyone can try.

Efficient or Effective

After telling about some ridiculous inventions, this author says, “This is mystifying until you realize that people don’t love digital technology because it makes them more productive or efficient; they love technology because it makes them feel like they’re more productive and efficient.”

Does Your Social Media Outrage Bear False Witness?

“What we post on social media can take on a life of its own. The matter feels urgent, so we hastily type rebuttals. Veiled as zeal for truth, we run to our computers and phones to adjust error and admonish the man who got it all wrong. Any public misstep can be called out to legions of our followers who, in turn, can pass on the public rebuke to their followers.”

Why Doesn’t God Just Talk To Me?

Now that’s a good question: Why doesn’t God just talk to me?

Five Elements of a Church Membership Class

Your Church does have membership, right? And it does have a class?

How Many Christians?

Philip Jenkins takes a shot at determining how many Christians there were in the days of the early church.

Am I a Backslidden Christian or an Unbeliever? (Video)

How do I know if I am a backsliding Christian or an unbeliever? Dr. Jeremy Pierre answers in Honest Answers from Southern Seminary.

Will the Punishment in Hell Be Experienced Forever?

This has become a hotly disputed matter. “Currently, there’s a movement among some members of the church towards annihilationism (or ‘conditionalism’)—that is, the idea that the punishment given at the end of time to those who have not been pardoned of their moral crimes will not be experienced through all eternity. Rather, their final punishment will be annihilation—they will cease to exist—and it’s their nonexistence that will last throughout eternity.”

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