Serving Those with Mental Illness – David Murray introduces a new, free ebook.
Wilderness Forever – Here are 18 of the best photos from Smithsonian’s “Wilderness Forever” photo competition.
Two Fruits of True Forgiveness – “Psalm 32 gives us a litmus test for true forgiveness, which shows us how distinct it is from all competing ideas. According to the psalmist, those who find forgiveness are changed by it. Once we are truly forgiven, we find that our love for God and our compassion for others begin to grow.”
To the Pure – Mike Leake looks at Titus 1:15 and asks whether it means we can watch South Park.
Sobering Up – Sobering up (not that kind of sobering up!) is the prerequisite to a good prayer life.
Advice to Young Pastors – From The Gospel Coalition: “This is the second installment in a new series in which we publish brief answers from experienced church leaders to this question…”