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God’s Word: Closer than Your Smartphone

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Memorizing Scripture has become a bit old fashioned in recent years. With smartphones putting every Bible translation at our fingertips, we can simply search for a passage when we need it. But having the Bible at our fingertips is different from having it on our minds and in our hearts.

Have you ever gotten a song stuck in your head and didn’t know why? Often a single word or phrase is all it takes. From there, the song just seems to spring forth. That same thing can happen when the cadences of Scripture are running through your head.

Growing in ChristYour mind uses the tools it has available. As a child, it’s the vocabulary you acquire—gaining new words for objects and experiences. As we grow older, we use stories and metaphors to make sense of our lives. And with age, we have the opportunity to choose what tools we add to our mental toolbox—God’s Word is one of them.

When we memorize Scripture, we make it available at any time, not just at the swipe of a smartphone. God’s words can be on our minds and in our hearts when we wake and when we lie down, when we go for a run and when we stand in the shower. Scripture can permeate our thoughts at times when smartphones can’t. If we choose to memorize them, God’s words can accompany us as we walk down the street, and our thoughts can meditate on them as we drive down the highway—all while keeping our eyes up.

Thinking biblically means having God’s Word working in us and through us. When we memorize Scripture, we invite God to speak into our hearts in times of both joy and sorrow, excitement and struggle. God’s Word goes to work, humbling us and encouraging us, and straightening us out when we get crooked.

But memorizing Scripture also becomes a blessing to others. When God’s Word is in us, God can encourage others through us. When we find ourselves talking with friends and neighbors, God’s Word is readily available, not at hand, but at heart. Not in our pockets, but on our lips. We can speak God’s words readily and with love, not while fiddling with a smartphone. Scripture has the potential to become a part of our everyday conversations, making us a blessing to others.

Figuring out how to memorize Scripture is where most people give up. That’s why The Navigators developed Growing in Christ and the Topical Memory System. They don’t push rote memorization. They are designed to immerse you in Scripture by studying each memory verse. You won’t simply memorize the words, you’ll wrestle with the meaning. You’ll be able to quote the verse, but you’ll also know the verse’s context. That way, God’s Word isn’t simply in your head—it’s in your heart.

If you’ve always wanted to memorize Scripture but don’t know where to start, take a look at Growing in Christ. If you want to dive deeper into God’s Word but don’t have a good strategy, the Topical Memory System can get you going.

Memorizing God’s Word is a secure investment. It can’t be lost or taken from you. It won’t grow old or become outdated. And unlike your smartphone, it will never be obsolete.

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