Together Again – Here’s a great video from Igniter Media.
History Helps Put Things in Perspective – I quite agree with Kevin DeYoung here: “I’m a proponent of families worshiping together. I’m not a proponent, however, of taking a good principle and making it an absolute rule. Moreover, I’m not in favor of making other Christians feel like the truly biblical (or Truly Reformed) position is to have your kids of all ages with you in church at all times.”
On Piles of Sand and Eating Babies – Read this one and allow yourself to be convicted.
Psalm 139 Project – I love the idea behind the Psalm 139 Project.
Under the Book – Paul tells of a recent interview we did in our church and what we learned from one of our church members.
Why We Keep Playing the Lottery – Here’s an interesting look at why people play the lottery, despite the ridiculous odds. Just ignore the evolutionary silliness.
Beautiful Scotland – This video may make you want to visit Scotland.