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A La Carte (September 27)

Today’s Kindle deals include : A new one from GLH Publishing, Essentials of Prayer by E.M. Bounds (50% off for the first week). Also consider Living in God’s Two Kingdoms by David VanDrunen, Reading God’s Story by George Guthrie, Relativism: Feet Firmly Planted in Mid-Air by Greg Koukl, The Absurdity of Unbelief by Jeffrey Johnson as well as the many volumes of the Christ-Centered Commentary series that are on sale. Get it all here.

Go ahead and guess. You’ll probably be wrong.

Cross Ways

A Pastor in Corpus Christi has determined he’ll build the tallest cross in the US. Here’s the story from Texas Monthly.

Yes, You Should Say Something

Nancy Guthrie talks about overcoming the awkwardness with grieving people. “When someone you love has died, it’s as if a hurdle has been placed between you and every person you know, and that hurdle stays in place until your loss has been acknowledged in some way.”

Toward a Better Reading

I’m interesting to read this series from Wendy Alsup and Hannah Anderson. They’ll be discussing the ESV’s decision to modify Genesis 3:16 and 4:7.

You Cannot Vote Your Conscience

Bryce Young talks about the role of the conscience and why it’s not quite right to say “Vote your conscience.”

This Day in 1805. 211 years ago today George Mueller was born. Best known for his orphan ministry, Mueller built five orphan houses and cared for 10,024 orphans during his lifetime while pastoring a church. *

Only Our God Speaks

“Because Christians worship a speaking God, we approach worship differently than any religious sect or worshiping community.”

Love Lives On

Don’t we all love these stories? “When the minister said, ‘For better or for worse, or rich or for poor, in sickness and in health,’ I meant it. And she meant it,” he said.

How To Be a Writer

There are some good tips in this list from Rebecca Solnit. “If you’re not passionate about writing and about the world and the things in it you’re writing about, then why are you writing? It starts with passion even before it starts with words.”

Flashback: The Days I Need the Gospel Least

I have heard many people say that there is value in preaching the gospel to myself every day, whether or not I find myself carrying the guilt and shame of sin. I’ve always thought of preaching the gospel to myself as a reactive thing, but Jerry Bridges has helped me to see it as proactive. Here’s why…

If prayer actually changed God’s mind, I would stop praying.

—Burk Parsons

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