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A La Carte (September 28)

Today’s Kindle deals, like most days, include a bit of a hodgepodge of books. But there are some good ones there…

If you’ve been considering Logos Bible Software, you may like to know that their Starter package has been reduced to less than $200 for the first time. That’s a very reasonable point of entry.

Do You Wish You Could Read Faster?

Dave Mathis asks whether that’s really a noble desire and instead advocates the joy of slow reading.

At Some Point Share the Gospel

Stephen Kneale is right about this: the kind or method of evangelism is far less important than the fact that at some point you’ve simply got to share the gospel.

Self-Driving Cars and Radio

It’s amazing how one technology can influence another. In this article the author discusses how self-driving cars may signal the end of radio. After all, as cars take over the job of driving, they would transition from a place to listen to (yet another) place to look at screens.

The Reformation and Your Church

There’s a new edition of the 9Marks journal available for free download. Not surprisingly for an autumn 2017 edition, it concerns the Reformation and how it impacts your church.

Appian Way, The First Roman Road

The Roman roads are a fascinating ancient technology. They were designed to move soldiers and commerce. Yet you can see by the spread of Christianity that they also moved believers and their gospel.

Pastor as Overseer of Worship Music

This is very true and very important: “Since the pastor is to be an overseer, this means one of the areas he is responsible to exercise oversight in is the worship music of the church. God almighty as charged pastors, His under shepherds, with this great responsibility.”

Can Unbelievers Do Good Deeds?

No one answers this kind of question better than R.C. Sproul. “Many people live quietly as law-abiding citizens, never defying the state. We hear regularly about acts of honesty and integrity, such as when a person returns a lost wallet rather than keeping it. John Calvin called this civil righteousness. But how can there be these deeds of apparent goodness when the Bible says that no one does good?”

Flashback: How an Affair Really Begins

One of the great misconceptions about affairs is that they begin with sex. Affairs do not begin with sex. Instead, it is a culminating decision in a long list of terrible, self-centered decisions.

The truth of God’s limitless power could be absolutely terrifying were it not paired with the truth of his limitless goodness.

—Jen Wilkin

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