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Holiday A La Carte (January 1)

Happy New Year! Last night we spent a few minutes reflecting on how God has blessed our family in 2015, and prayed together that we would continue to experience so much of his grace in the year ahead. Then we had a fun and quiet evening together as a family. God is good! Here are a few articles I thought you might enjoy.

Ten Check Up Questions for the New Year

Kevin DeYoung has ten excellent questions to consider.

Advice for Another Year of Bible Reading

Bruce Ware offers some wise counsel on another year of Bible reading.

Who Owns Antarctica?

It belongs to all of us. Kind of.

An Open Letter to You in 2016

Mike Riccardi: “As we anticipate the challenges and opportunities of 2016, I want to write an open letter of sorts that focuses on the most important realities in the world. And the addressee of my open letter is you.”

When you stop saying “Thank You”

Dan Darling: “I’ve noticed, however, that ingratitude is often the first sign of a troubled heart. When I stop saying ‘thank you’ I know that sin has overcome me.”

This Day in 2010. 6 years ago today, David Platt’s book Radical was published. It quickly became a New York Times bestseller. *

Worship Leader Resolutions: 2016

Jamie Brown gets all silly with his 2016 worship leader resolutions. “I don’t think a song without an octave jump is even worth singing. But simple octave jumps are just not enough anymore. They have lost their power. It’s time to embrace a new approach to octave jumps.”


The most important daily habit we can possess is to remind ourselves of the Gospel.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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