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Weekend A La Carte (12/8)

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America’s Most Important Economic Lesson – R.C. Sproul Jr. has put a lot of effort into thinking through economics from a biblical perspective. In this article he suggests the most important economic lesson America should learn.

More Gospel Centered Than Thou – Mark Lauterbach has been thinking about gospel-centeredness and raises a few possible concerns in this article. It’s well worth a read.

Nate Fancher – I enjoy Nate Fancher’s music and am glad to see that he has made it all free for a limited time.

Don’t Underestimate the Power of the Gospel – Thabiti highlights a highlight moment from the most recent Together for the Gospel conference.

Tech Predictions for 2013 – This probably won’t interest you a whole lot unless you’re interested in technology. But here are ten good predictions for technology in 2013.

Every Bomb in the Blitz – This is pretty amazing. The British National Archives have created an interactive map that shows every German bomb dropped on London during the Blitz (in the Second World War).

Thanks for Not Sharing – This columnist is tired of our status updates. “It is tempting to call this unctuous ooze of status updates and vacation snaps seeping across Facebook and Twitter and the rest information overload. But that would be to debase the word ‘information.’”

I used to ask God to help me. Then I asked if I might help Him. I ended up by asking Him to do His work through me.

—Hudson Taylor

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