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Weekend A La Carte (1/5)

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Rape, Sexual Assault, and Consent – In light of recent headlines, The Resurgence blog asks this question: What is sexual assault? Justin Holcomb gives a practical and pastoral answer based on a book he wrote on that very topic.

UPS Worldport – This article (and video) may appeal to your inner geek (or engineer, for that). It shows how UPS manages to move 2,000 packages every 17 seconds.

The Pill – Gospel Coalition has a helpful little article on what’s at stake in the discussion of the birth control pill. “It’s time to distinguish clearly–in terminology, thinking, and public policy–between contraception and abortion.”

Why Keep Praying Even When You Feel Dull? – This blogger answers the question by going all the way back to David Brainerd.

The Sufficiency of Christ Alone – Monergism is giving away an ebook titled “The Sufficiency of Jesus Christ Alone: Classic Essays on the Doctrine of Justification.”

Be Strong and Courageous – Owen Strachan: “I want to suggest that wherever you can as a young man or one involved in any way in training young men, you point them toward manhood, maturity, adulthood, responsibility, ambition, strategy, vision, focus. Yes, it can be fun to be boyish. But you know what’s far more satisfying? Becoming something. Becoming something greater than you are. Becoming a man. Building stuff.”

Three Is the Loveliest Number – Michael Reeves explains why ‘that Trinity stuff’ is not a philosophical headache but a captivating picture of the Good and Beautiful.

To demand from others what the Spirit Himself patiently endures is to exalt ourselves above God.

—R.C. Sproul

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