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Weekend A La Carte (2/11)

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Clarence – This is a touching article (even if it’s a mite over-stated at times). “We met you the first day we moved to Augusta. You introduced yourself as Clarence Davis, and you weren’t homeless but just ‘down on your luck’. You explained that you knew the previous owners and that you used to rake their leaves and that you were HIV positive and could we please give you a little work ? You raked our yard that day and didn’t complain once about the heat, although you were sweating so much I’m not sure how you could see to finish the job.”

World Press Photo Contest – “5, 247 Photographers, 124 Nationalities, 101, 254 pictures. Three hundred and fifty images by 57 photographers of 24 nationalities were awarded prizes in nine categories.” Here are the winners.

What Compromise? – Al Mohler: “President Obama walked into the White House Press Room today and attempted to pull a political rabbit out of a hat. Faced with an avalanche of mounting opposition to his administration’s mandate that religious employers provide birth control to all employees, the President announced what his staff characterized as a ‘compromise.’ Was it?”

Faith vs Victoria’s Secret – This is a neat story: “Christian model Kylie Bisutti says her faith led to her stop working for Victoria’s Secret.”

MonumentalMonumental is a documentary from Kirk Cameron that is set to release next month.

Check Engine Light – We’re all accustomed to ignoring the check engine light, but apparently it is actually beginning to serve a useful function (beyond enriching your mechanic).

What fools are they who, for a drop of pleasure, drink a sea of wrath.

—Thomas Watson

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