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Weekend A La Carte (4/13)

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7 Billion People – The earth recently reached a population of 7 billion and on this page you can see every one of us. Be sure to see the explanation page as well. Consider that each one of those 7 billion people is a person created in God’s image. And consider how many have not yet believed the gospel.

Ding Dong the Witch Is Dead – Phillip Jensen, reflecting on the death of Margaret Thatcher, asks, “Should we rejoice in another’s death? It certainly is understandable in the extreme cases of evil or when we have been personally abused by somebody’s sinfulness. Yet it ill behooves sinners, such as ourselves, to clamour too loudly for justice.” While on the subject of Thatcher, here is an interesting article on her Christian grandchildren.

Come Thou Fount – This is a great rendition of “Come Thou Fount.”

Prayer Meetings – I love prayer meetings but, like anything else, a very consistent format can at times grow stale. I appreciate Eric’s practical pointers for leading a prayer meeting.

Does Jesus Really Love Me? – The New York Times has a very angry review of a book that seems to be gaining a little bit of traction. I link to it because it represents an angry but all-too-typical take on how Christians regard homosexuality. The reviewer’s characterization of Christianity leaves no real room for loving disagreement or a true definition of tolerance (which presupposes relationship despite differing viewpoints).

Speaking Hope to the World – This is a powerful video.

The greatest missionary is the Bible in the mother tongue. It needs no furlough and is never considered a foreigner.

—William Cameron Townsend

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