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Weekend A La Carte (5/14)

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I woke up early this morning to take my daughter to breakfast at Denny’s–pretty much her all-time favorite daddy date. We walked outside and there, lying on the ground in the middle of the road, was a coupon for 20% off any order at Denny’s. We took it as a sign.

Publishers WinChristian Retailing rounds up a few of the Love Wins responses that are already in the works.

Bulletin Bloopers – Thom Rainer collects bulletin bloopers and in this blog post he shares a few of his all-time favorites. Example: “The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday morning.”

Bagels and Donuts – I feel like I can only get away with posting links to this kind of thing on a Saturday. I found this one rather amusing.

Gospel Seeds in Uganda – Matt Schmucker reports on an amazing experience he had in Uganda.

The Creation-Evolution Debate – C. Michael Patton has a brief but helpful round-up of the different views of the origins of the world.

Space Pictures – National Geographic has a gallery of some new and amazing pictures from space.

Grace finds us beggars but leaves us debtors.

—Augustus Toplady

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