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Weekend A La Carte (7/30)

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It is a long weekend here in Canada and it seems like pretty much the whole population of Toronto has fled north to cottage country. We’ve got no cottage to go to, so instead we are meeting up with a cousin of mine and heading out onto Lake Ontario in his boat. Should be fun. Here’s hoping there’s some wind today.

A Two-Day Sale at Ligonier – Ligonier is having a big two-day sale during which everything at their store is 30% off. Use the code SHOP30 to get that discount. It’s only good today (and tomorow, I think; better use it today!).

Why Youth Stay in Church – I like this. “Youth pastors, pray with all your might for true conversion; that is God’s work. Equip the saints for the work of the ministry; that is your work. Parents, preach the gospel and live the gospel for your children; our work depends on you.”

War Posters – It is kind of fun to look at the war posters that were on constant display during the two world wars.

Norway and Fundamentalism – Ed Stetzer: “When new information (the police officer’s solitary comment) reinforces how we already see the world (Christian fundamentalists are dangerous). I think there are three reasons that many in the media were so quick to assume and report this unsubstantiated label.”

John StottThe Telegraph ran an obituary of John Stott.

Life on This Planet – I’m no fan of Mark Steyn, but I did quite enjoy this article. He sounds mad. “It’s always good to have things explained in terms we simpletons can understand. After a while, all the stuff about debt-to-GDP ratio and CBO alternative baseline scenarios starts to give you a bit of a headache, so we should be grateful to the House Minority Leader for putting it in layman’s terms: What’s at stake is ‘life on this planet as we know it today.’ So, if right now you’re living anywhere in the general vicinity of this planet, it’s good to know Nancy’s in there pitching for you.”

Time to Immigrate – You probably caught this headline yesterday: Apple Now Has More Cash Than The U.S. Government.

Interview – I’m not sure if it’s humilty or pride (probably pride) but I can’t bear to watch myself on video. So I’m posting this interview sight unseen!

The spiritual battle, the loss of victory, is always in the thought-world.

—Francis Schaeffer

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