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Weekend A La Carte (April 8)

I dug up just one new Kindle deal for today, though there are many others to browse through from earlier in the week.

The Name is Yahweh

Jesse Johnson doesn’t like the way English Bibles translate God’s name. “It is a translation choice with zero scholarly merit, it confuses by creating artificial distance between the reader and the text, and is not defensible on any legitimate grounds. At best it is condescending, but more likely it is just simply superstitious.”

Why All Your Gadgets Want You to Talk to Them

Have you noticed that more and more gadgets offer voice control? Here’s why.

How to Mortify Sin

Sinclair Ferguson explains. “Paul gives us the pattern and rhythm we need. Like Olympic long jumpers, we will not succeed unless we go back from the point of action to a point from which we can gain energy for the strenuous effort of dealing with sin.”

How Did Judge Judy Get Her Gig? (Video)

Here’s how she got it and how much money she makes doing it.

Why Are Young People So Into Healing Crystals?

Essentially, because you’ve got to believe in something, right? “Millennials say gemstones don’t just look cute on T-shirts — they also offer a flexible, inclusive spiritual practice.”

The Gold Standard of Family Stability

A new study proves an old truth–there is nothing better for families than to stay together. (See also Three Myths of Cohabitation.)

What if My Husband Looks at Porn?

“Through a lot of counseling, tears, discussions, and prayer — a long process of healing and grace-filled restoration in Christ — God has shown me several truths that might minister to other wives like me.”

Flashback: The Most Important Thing My Parents Did

For all the good things my parents did for me, I believe that the most important was simply living as Christians before me. I don’t think anything shaped or challenged me more than that.

Why Easter Matters to Marriage

I’m grateful to Ever Thine Home for sponsoring the blog this week.

I do not understand how a man can be a true believer, in whom sin is not the greatest burden, sorrow and trouble.

—John Owen

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