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Weekend A La Carte (January 21)

I’m grateful to Christian Focus for sponsoring the blog this week to tell you about their new exposition of the London Baptist Confession. Please do make it a point to visit the sponsors since they play a key role in keeping this site going.

Westminster Books has a deal on a new book for kids. And don’t forget they’ve also got Paul Miller’s new A Praying Church discounted.

(Yesterday on the blog: A Divine Tapestry)

An Eton Mess: The Failure of English Bishops

Here is another article that reflects on the failure of the Anglican hierarchy to properly settle the issue of same-sex marriage. They have come up with a solution that will actually just make everyone unhappy!

Six Ways Pre-Born Babies Glorify God

Paul Tautges offers six ways that pre-born babies glorify God. “As pastors, we must be able to speak biblically about the value of human life. We must help our congregations mull over life in the womb, which is often a dangerous place for pre-born children.”

The Basis is Biology

“On Christmas Eve Melissa Courtney set a new women’s parkrun world record at Poole parkrun. Melissa is originally from Poole so all our local runners basked in the reflected glory as she ran a time of 15 minutes and 31 seconds. This was a truly world class performance.”

The Lies Writers Believe and the Truth that Sets Them Free

This is a perceptive article that will speak to many writers. “The world is full of good advice for writers. Just ask Google, “How to start writing?” and you’ll get a host of interesting answers like become a reader, commit to a routine, use writing exercises, and find a community to support your efforts. We’d all agree that this advice makes sense and would help us grow. But what Google doesn’t say, is to figure out who you are in Christ first…”

More Than Jumper Cable Christianity

Jeff Medders wants to help you avoid what he calls “jumper cable Christianity.”

The Young Adults’s Guide to Social Media

Younger Christians may benefit from reading this guide to social media.

Flashback: When You’re at Your Best, Plan for Your Worst

It is when we are not being tempted, it is when we are standing strong in the Lord’s grace, that we ought to consider the times we will be weak and tempted and eager to sin. We need to assume such times will come and we need to use the moments of strength to put measures in place that will protect us when we are weak.

The basis of my marriage is this: God has called me with an irrevocable, inexcusable calling to lay down my life for one specific woman all the days of her life. And to serve her unconditionally, whether she deserves it or not.

—Paul Washer

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