Happy 150th to Canada! It’s a big day up here and we are looking forward to celebrating with friends and fireworks. But first I’ve got some deals and some links to share with you.
Today’s Kindle deals include a huge selection worth checking out. Also, Amazon has released their big collection of general market deals for the month.
Logos is offering some church history in their free book of the month.
Christian Audio is giving away the novelization of Risen, and offering deals on other historical fiction.
28 Canadian Foods to Try
I’ve had just about all of these at one time or another.
10 Spurgeon Quotes on Dying Well
We all have to die, so we may as well die well. Here’s help from Spurgeon.
1.5 Million Balloons
Here’s the story of that time Cleveland released 1.5 million balloons all at once. It ended poorly.
No, Your Teen Doesn’t Hate You. It’s Just Summer
Christians won’t agree with everything in this article, but it’s at least a good take on why your teen is probably spending so much time in his or her room.
Is Genesis 1–11 a Derivation from Ancient Myths?
No, but that’s what we keep hearing, isn’t it?
The Rise and Fall of the Great American Motel
“After its heyday in the mid-20th century, the traditional mom and pop motel – once ubiquitous along American highways and byways – has largely slipped from the public imagination.”
Should I Feel God’s Presence in My Life?
R.C. Sproul has an interesting answer.
How To Build a Solid Theological Library
Thanks to Logos for sponsoring the blog this week!
Flashback: You Don’t Really Know Who Your Friends Are Until…
You don’t really know who your friends are until their relationship with you becomes a liability instead of a benefit.