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Weekend A La Carte (June 25)

I am enjoying my time out here on the west coast though, as usual, these trips are just a bit too short. Still, it’s always a joy to be with brothers in Christ and I’m looking forward to speaking today at Men for God. Of course I will also be glad to be home very late tonight…

When Your Spiritual Gift Isn’t Changing Diapers

“There’s nothing wrong with wanting to use our gifts to serve our church family. But then again, who would say they have the spiritual gift of changing diapers? Holding doors open? Setting up chairs?”

Seven Lessons from Europe

John Piper returns from several weeks in Europe having learned seven interesting lessons.

Caterpillar to Butterfly

Here, in 3 minutes, is a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly. It never gets any less impressive, does it?

A Short History of Bible Clutter

Tony Reinke speaks with Glenn Paauw, the Executive Director of the Biblica Institute for Bible Reading, to discuss how our modern Bibles ended up being so cluttered.

Protecting Our Children

Randy Alcorn: “I wonder how many dads have failed to protect their daughters and sons because they craved their approval.” Too many parents make that very mistake.

This Day in 1865. 151 years ago today, English missionary J. Hudson Taylor formed the China Inland Mission (later known as OMF, Overseas Missionary Fellowship International). *

Portraits of Jesus: ‘God’s Only Son’

Andy Naselli walks through one of the best-known passages in the Bible to model proper interpretation.

Sexuality, Identity, Sin, and Denying Ourselves

Amy links to and summarizes an important talk by Sam Allberry. “He has much to say that is relevant to everyone (not just those with same-sex attractions) and relevant to all temptations and sin (not just those related to sexuality).”

Flashback: 7 Good Reasons to Stop Looking at Porn Right Now

My goal for today is simple: I want to give you 7 good reasons you need to stop looking at porn right now.

The Bible You Have in Your Hand

My thanks goes to 10ofThose for sponsoring the blog this week.


There must be a radical destruction of sin. Kill it; strangle it; starve it of oxygen until it cannot breathe again. There is no other way.

—Derek Thomas

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