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Weekend A La Carte (November 2)

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I’m thankful to our friends at Ligonier Ministries for sponsoring the blog this week. Sponsors help keep this site going so I’m grateful to each and every one. This week Ligonier is inviting you to download their app and explore their vast library of resources.

Logos users will want to take a look at this month’s free and nearly-free books. Logos subscribers now receive a bonus free book as well. You will also want to browse through their monthly deals as you look for bargains to build your library.

In case you missed it yesterday, the digital box set of The Last Lion, a three-volume biography of Winston Churchill, is hugely discounted. It’s one of my top biographies of all time. There are also some Christian Kindle deals to look at today.

Coldplay’s Prayer in Melbourne

Murray Campbell: “Coldplay is back in Melbourne and singing a prayer. … ‘We pray’ was written by lead singer, Chris Martin, in conjunction with a group of musicians from around the world, and it explores his personal journey in spirituality and understanding the human condition.”

On Zombies, Heath Lambert, and Gatekeeping in the Biblical Counseling Movement

The success of the biblical counseling movement is, not surprisingly, causing some growing pains and conflicts. Jared Poulton describes and responds to one of them.

Keep the Feast (Video)

Here is yet another sweet song from Getty Music, this one written by Skye Peterson and Ben Shive.

Stop Playing the Numbers Game

I think Brad is right to encourage us to tone down the numbers game a little bit. He warns that “the quantification of everything in a digital age gives us a false promise of precision in a low-resolution world.”

Squandering Security by Seeking to Build It Ourselves

“How many Christians do you know who have purposefully rejected promotion or actively moved into a worse job because they had gospel priorities, freeing them up to serve in the church or not moving to such a place as there is no credible church? It is all too easy to work towards what we assume will secure us rather than what God’s Word says we ought to prioritise.” This is true!

Into the Deep

Karen tells how important it is to go deep with your faith. “Knowing God means more than learning facts about him. To know God is to move beyond theology and on to ever-deepening realms of life lived with him. Simply learning about God’s attributes and works (whether through Bible reading, church attendance, people, etc.), without living in and with him is a recipe for shallow faith.”

Flashback: No Better (or Worse) Time To Be Disabled

There is a horrific contradiction within our society. We invest great care in those who are born with disabilities, but only after investing every effort in eradicating them before they are born. 

Heavenly doctrines should always be adorned with a heavenly life.

—Thomas Brooks

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