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Weekend A La Carte (November 23)

A La Carte Collection cover image

The Hunger GamesChristianity Today has a long review of the new Hunger Games movie, Catching Fire. It’s probably worth reading since that seems like it’s the movie event of the year (or of the holiday season, at least).

Commerical Pilots and Manual Flying – My inner geek, the part that loves flying just a little bit more than I hate it, quite enjoyed this article on whether it’s true that the automation of aircraft makes us less safe.

Is It Actually Hard To Be a Pastor? – I give this a retweet, a plus one and a thumbs up. “As a pastor who often hears other ministers teach and preach, I am disturbed by the number of times pastors allude to their jobs as being particularly difficult. Yes, we face many challenges—ministry may involve times of high emotional and spiritual duress—but I don’t think these difficulties merit special recognition with regard to other vocations.”

The Story of Marion Stokes – This is amazing: “In a storage unit somewhere in Philadelphia, 140,000 VHS tapes sit packed into four shipping containers. Most are hand-labeled with a date between 1977 and 2012, and if you pop one into a VCR you might see scenes from the Iranian Hostage Crisis, the Reagan Administration, or Hurricane Katrina. It’s 35 years of history through the lens of TV news, captured on a dwindling format.”

Being in the Word Every Day – Here’s a solid answer to that usual question: “I struggle with being in the Word every single day. Is there any direction you can offer me to help? I’m open for all suggestions.”

Busiest People in the World – Here are 5 productivity tips from some of the busiest people in the world.

Rowland Hill

If an unholy man were to get to heaven he would feel like a hog in a flower garden.

—Rowland Hill

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