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A La Carte (3/13)

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Blue Like Jazz – Here is another take on the forthcoming movie adaptation of Donald Miller’s Blue Like Jazz. This review highlights strengths, weaknesses and the elements that make this film unique in the Christian sphere. I can’t say that these early reviews are giving me any real desire to see it.

The Hunger Games – Redeemed Reader has become my go-to resource to find reviews of books for my kids. They’ve just posted an excellent and very helpful review of The Hunger Games, the book that is all the rage these days (and which has a movie releasing very soon).

Things a Pastor Shouldn’t Say – Here is a list of 5 things a pastor shouldn’t say (but, in my assessment and limited experience, probably will say and later have to repent of).

Protecting Your Children – Lindsey Holcomb has a helpful blog post on how to protect your children from sexual abuse. Writing of victims of sexual abuse she says, “15% of those assaulted are under age 12, and 29% are between ages 12 to 17. Girls between the ages of 16 and 19 are four times more likely than the general population to be victims of sexual assault. Here are eight ways you as a parent can protect your children from sexual abuse.”

Screwtape on Stage – Max McLean’s production of The Screwtape Letters continues to criss-cross the U.S. and he is finally coming close enough to Toronto that I can get to a show (in Buffalo). Shows are also lined up for Indianapolis, Chicago, Grand Rapids and several other places.

Marital Love – Drawing from Paul Tripp’s What Did You Expect?, Bob Glenn shares 22 descriptions of marital love.

You don’t realize Jesus is all you need until Jesus is all you have. –Tim Keller

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