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Weekend A La Carte (September 14)

There are a couple of new Kindle deals today; both are classics.

(Yesterday on the blog: 10+ New and Notable Books for September)

5 Incredible Revelations From This Week’s Abortion Hearing in California

Jesse Johnson lays out what you’re not hearing in the news (but should be).

Church Dads Have Been “Woke” for Years

Stephen McAlpine makes an astute observation: “You can’t shame someone into ‘wokeness’. If you do it won’t last and it will only be surface anyway. In the end we do what we want. And unless we want to serve sacrificially, and unless we have a compelling enough reason for doing so that promises us we will never lose out if we do, then we will find ways to do what we want. It’s not woke to stay at home and look after your kids and do the housework share that you should be doing, if that’s what you want to do. That’s just all life-style choice”

The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

Here is a photography gallery of nature at its silliest.

How Do I Choose a Spouse? Seven Principles for Marrying Well

Just like the title says—principles for marrying well instead of poorly. “Parents can teach their children to do two key precepts. First, unless God gives you the desire to remain single for kingdom-related reasons, pursue marriage. Marriage is the normal, biblical pattern for adults. But second, pursue marriage carefully and with wisdom. It is better to remain single than to enter unwisely into marriage.”

An Open Letter to the Question – Are Missionaries Just Modern Colonialists or White Saviours?

A lot of people today assume so. Here’s one missionary’s answer in the form of an open letter.

A Legendary Publishing House’s Most Infamous Rejection Letters

This reminds me that we all make mistakes.

I Was a White Supremacist

What a fascinating tale. “The road I was traveling led to increasing hatred for the ‘enemies’ of America and the white race. They had to be stopped at all costs—the end justified the means. One night an accomplice and I attempted to bomb the home of a Jewish businessman in Meridian, Mississippi, but the house was staked out by a police SWAT team. My accomplice was killed, and I was shot four times at close range with shotgun fire. When I got to the hospital, the doctors said it would be a miracle if I lived 45 minutes.”

Flashback: Is Your Church Messy Enough?

If our churches reflect God’s heart for the lost, they will be full of people with problems, full of people showing the consequences of a lifetime of wandering.

True prayer is neither a mere mental exercise nor a vocal performance. It is far deeper than that – it is a spiritual transaction with the Creator of Heaven and Earth.

—Charles Spurgeon

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