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Weekend A La Carte (September 3)

I have just 3 new Kindle deals to tell you about: Perspectives on the Extent of the Atonement edited by Andy Naselli, The Wages of Spin by Carl Trueman, and Those Who Must Give an Account by John Hammett. Of course there are plenty of others listed there as well.

You Can’t Claim a Promise

Barnabas Piper: “To claim something is to take ownership, to say ‘it’s mine.’ When we lay claim to property we gain certain rights and privileges. Litigants are awarded claims or denied them, claims of monetary value. Promises don’t work like that.”

Ten Words of Advice for Seminarians

Kevin DeYoung offers some counsel for seminarians.

Don’t Buy Extended Warranties

In almost every case they are unnecessary or redundant. In many cases they are a total rip-off.

Friday Quiz

I enjoy The Book Book Company’s little Bible quizzes. This one is all about the number 2.

9 Things You Should Know About Mother Teresa

On Sunday, at a Roman Catholic canonization service in Vatican City, Pope Francis will declare Mother Teresa a saint. Joe Carter offers 9 interesting facts about her.

This Day in 1958. 58 years ago today Nancy Leigh DeMoss was born. Happy birthday, Nancy!

Waiting to Die

Michael Patton has been battling an awful illness. “At 43-years-old, I don’t need to be sitting at death’s door, finally defeated by this foreign ailment that came out of left-field. I am walking around with my head down, hands in my pocket, kicking the dust of self-pity. At least I could die with some more dignity. So God, this is who you really are. So God, this is why I went through hell all these years. So God, there is not much purpose to it all.”

Find Your Most Productive Hours

This could be a neat way for creative types to help narrow in on their most productive hours.

Flashback: Inconvenienced by Inconvenience

Let me offer a few reasons that you ought to be willing, eager even, for people to invite themselves into your home.

The Unexpected Sequel: “Trellis & Vine II”

My thanks goes to Matthias Media for sponsoring the blog this week with new of their unexpected sequel: “Trellis & Vine II”

Humility is not an add-on for the super-spiritual; it is for all believers to practice in our daily lives.

—Jerry Bridges

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