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Giveaway – Ligonier Conference

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The 2007 conference season is fast approaching. If you are looking for just one conference to attend this year, you probably will not do any better than the Ligonier Ministries National Conference in Orlando, Florida. Contending for the Truth will be held from March 15-17 and will feature addresses by John MacArthur, Al Mohler, John Piper, Ravi Zacharias and, of course, R.C. Sproul.

It is easy, when looking at conferences, to just skip over the name or theme. But I think with this one it is worth pondering the words “Contending for the Truth.” Words like “sin” and “evil” have already fallen out of favor in our culture. “Truth” is sure to follow. Yet we, as Christians, cannot downplay or minimize truth. We must stand for it and must contend for it. This conference will equip us to do just that. I will be there to provide liveblogging and am anticipating a time of spiritual challenge and growth.

The national conference, held annually in Orlando, Fla., is the largest conference Ligonier hosts. Dr. Sproul highlights the gathering as he, along with other prominent pastors and theologians, speaks on issues pertinent to the health of the modern church.

In Orlando, Fla., on March 15-17, 2007, Ligonier Ministries will celebrate twenty years of national conferences with a seminar focused on defending the faith. Contending for the Truth will equip believers to answer the false claims of postmodernism, naturalism, and our culture’s other atheistic theories.

Joining us are outstanding apologists and preachers – John MacArthur, Al Mohler, John Piper, and Ravi Zacharias. We will devote ourselves to refuting the claims made against the biblical worldview and to arming believers for the cogent presentation of orthodox Christianity.

Past speakers have included John MacArthur, Ravi Zacharias, John Piper, Ligon Duncan, Sinclair Ferguson, Derek Thomas, Joni Eareckson Tada, and many others on such topics as the role of church in the world, spiritual growth, and the character of God. This is the conference that arms clergy and laity alike with the materials and sound teaching needed for them to be better witnesses for Christ in today’s world.

Registration for this conference has already exceeding 2500 and is well on its way to the capacity of somewhere around 5000.

I am giving away four registration certificates for the conference. Each one is a $188 value and includes conference registration and all meals (dinner on Thursday; breakfast, lunch and dinner on Friday; breakfast on Saturday). Anyone is invited to enter the giveaway, but please only enter if you will be able to attend (and that means you personally. Please do not enter on behalf of another person)! If you would like to attend the conference with your spouse you can enter to win two admissions. In this case you will still have only one entry, but it will be for two admissions so you can both attend for free.

To enter the giveaway, simply visit this page and in the form provided, enter your name, email address and the answer to the following question:

What is the title of the first book published by Reformation Trust Publishing?

I will stop accepting entries on January 5 at 9 AM EST and will randomly select four winners at that time.

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