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Rick Warren Must Have A Great Editor

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This morning I received an email from Rick Warren. Yup. Rick took time out of his Sunday morning, which I assume is quite busy, to send me an email. I would have thought he’d be busy putting the final touches on his sermon or perhaps praying, but no, he emailed me to ask if I can help him with a very special project.

I noticed that his style of writing is a little bit different in this email than in his books. All I can conclude is that he must have a really good editor – one he did not consult prior to sending me this email.

Below is the complete text of the email he sent me (which was sent from [email protected], so it must be him!).

Am Pastor Rick Warren the Author of THE PURPOSE DRIVE CHURCH AND THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE. As you may know.

It is my great pleasure to write to your church on behave of a church that is need of help, partaining to their uncompleted building purposely want to made for church activities, am so much in a great condition to donated $5000 us dollar to nthe church which is the 4% of what they are in need i.e the ground total of what they need is $20000.

Thus: Blessed are those merciful, for they shall obtain mercy!
Mark 5:7.

This church is like a brethren to us will need to encourage them in building the uncompleted building which we think is possible as a child of God, we need all sources to help each other to encourage each other in many that we can preach the Gospel of God is very important.

So therefore, brethren this church need to build the image of God i.e Church of God

Any amount you donated is highly appreciated & granted, I pray in the name of Lord that it shall brings it back to you in multitude. If you found it in you heart to help, please reply this message how much you are minister by God to donate while the information of where to send the money, will be mail to you back.

Thus: Blessed are fortune and happy and spritually prosperous are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be completely satisfed!

The Gosple of Mark 5:6.

Am so much happy and most concerned about the work of God as you’ve may know I will be so much happy and greatful if you can try and send the church any amount, is welcome by them and I too. Remain bless!!!!.

These are the picture of the uncompleted building. If the picture does not show, you can e-mail back for the picture. [Sadly, the picture did not show, but I have not yet emailed him.]

Your brethren in Christ.

Rick Warren.

Unfortunately I cannot, at this time, spare $20,000. So sorry Rick, you’ll have to find your support elsewhere.

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