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The Collected Best Christian Books of 2019

The Collected Best Christian Books of 2019

For the past couple of weeks my RSS feeder has been humming with list after list of the best books of 2019 (or, if not the best, the favorite books of 2019). It seems that just about every avid reader I follow is eager to share his or her picks for the year that was. I love these lists and decided I’d compile them to look for patterns and repeats. Here, then, are the collected best Christian books of 2019. Each one of these is from a blog or web site I read regularly.

We will begin with the titles that found their way onto at least 3 best-0f lists:

This year there was little overlap with the best-of lists, so I thought I would also give mention to some books that ended up onto 2 best-of lists:

If you are looking for something to read or something to buy for a gift, you probably can’t go wrong with any of them!

And now here are each of lists of the best Christian books of 2019. You can visit the sites to read the rationales or to purchase the books. Alternatively, I’ve supplied links to Amazon. Please note that I am simply listing these books without endorsing them. In the majority of cases I have not read them!

Erik Raymond (read his reviews here)

Christianity Today (read their reviews here)

For The Church (read their reviews here)

Growing in Grace (read his reviews here)

Gospel Relevance (read his reviews here)

The Good Book (read their reviews here)

Kevin DeYoung (read his reviews here)

Jared Wilson (read his reviews here)

Trevin Wax (read his reviews here)

Russell Moore (read his reviews here)

The Gospel Coalition 2019 Book Awards (read their reviews here)

TGC Editorial Staff (read their reviews here)

Andrew Wilson (read his reviews here)

Darryl Dash (read his reviews here)

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