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A Family Guide to Prince Caspian

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With Disney’s adaptation of Prince Caspian having just arrived on the big screen, we have seen a flood of Narnia-related books hitting the store shelves. Readers who searched for books to coincide with the release of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe will be familiar with many of the authors and their books. Devin Brown’s Inside Prince Caspain is written in the same style and format as Inside Narnia. Leland Ryken’s and Marjorie Mead’s A Reader’s Guide To Caspian is the sequel to A Reader’s Guide Through the Wardrobe. And Christin Ditchfield’s A Family Guide to Prince Caspian is a follow-up to A Family Guide to the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

A Family Guide to Prince Caspian is a guide to discovering the story within the story. Where the other titles tend to focus on the books and movies as literature, analyzing the literary elements, Ditchfield’s books seek to highlight the biblical truths underlying the stories. Each chapter of the book, which is parallel to the chapters in the original, offers “Biblical Parallels and Principles” and some applicable Scriptures. Throughout the book you’ll also find devotional readings, trivia, reflective questions, a few projects that will continue the adventure with children, and a map of Narnia that features all of Prince Caspian’s most significant sites.

As a guide to the film and the book that is applicable to the family and that will help children see the significance behind the story, this book is a success. In fact, read in conjunction with one or more of the other titles, this book will enhance your enjoyment of the series and show you both the literary and theological depths contained even in such a simple story.

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