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Explore Cruciform Press

  • Smooth Stones

    So far, two reviews have come in for Smooth Stones: Bringing Down the Giant Questions of Apologetics, by Joe Coffey, this month’s book from Cruciform Press. Both reviews affirm our purpose in publishing the book: to give Christians a simple introduction to six key issues pertaining to the plausibility of Christian faith: There are two…

  • But God…

    Cruciform Press is a different kind of publishing company in that we release one book each month, always on the first day of the month. And not only that, but we invite people to subscribe to our books so each month you can automatically receive that new book. We think it’s a great model! Cruciform’s…

  • Cruciform: Living the Cross-Shaped Life

    Every month, on the first day of the month, Cruciform Press releases a new book. And this month our book is Jimmy Davis’ Cruciform: Living the Cross-Shaped Life. Employing the symbols of the cruciform cathedral and the Celtic cross, the aim of this book is to cast a vision for the Cruciform Life, living as…

  • The Organized Heart

    Every month, on the first day of the month, Cruciform Press, the publishing company I co-founded, releases one new book (yes, just one). This month’s book is an interesting and unique one. It’s titled The Organized Heart and is written by Staci Eastin. Before I get to Staci’s book, here is something that may interest…

  • Intentional Parenting

    As you know by now, I am one of the co-founders of Cruciform Press, a publishing company that is seeking to give Christian publishing a bit of a “reboot.” Each month, on the first day of the month, we release a new book. And this month’s book is a good one. It is written by…

  • Reclaiming Adoption

    Each month Cruciform Press releases 1 new book, and our book for January is one we are very excited about. Reclaiming Adoption brings together some of today’s best thinkers on the subject of adoption, people like Dan Cruver (of Together for Adoption), John Piper, Scotty Smith, Richard Phillips and Jason Kovacs. Here is a description…

  • Servanthood As Worship

    At the beginning of every month Cruciform Press releases one new book. Our book for December is Servanthood as Worship: The Privilege of Life in a Local Church by Nate Palmer. As someone who absolutely loves the local church, I’m really excited about this one. Here is a description: Browse a Christian book website or…

  • Wrestling with an Angel

    One of the most exciting parts of founding Cruciform Press is the ability it has given me to bring great books to print. And after co-founding the company the first person I got in touch with was Greg Lucas. I knew Greg as the author of an excellent blog–one that had drawn me in with…

  • Protect The Dignity of Labor!

    A few years ago there was a strike at a juvenile detention center that is near my house. The institution lies directly between my house and pretty much every place I ever drive to, so I had to go by it just about every time I set out. Every day the strikers would update a…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (8/13)

    What’s a Ligonier? – Chris Larson explains what a Ligonier is and why it was chosen as the name for the ministry. The Sharpie Pencil – I need one of these. The First Day of School – Someone sent me this article, one I can identify with. This year our youngest is going to be…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/27)

    Why Does Randy Alcorn Make Minimum Wage? – Watch this interview in which Mark Driscoll talks to Randy Alcorn. Jesse Bryan – Speaking of Mark Driscoll, you may be interested in this interview with the Jesse Bryan, Creative Director at Mars Hill Church. Culture Shock – This is an interesting look at American culture through…

  • Announcing Cruciform Press

    This is now the second of three big announcements this week. Yesterday I announced Friends of the Blog and tomorrow I’ll be announcing something to do with the keyword Connected. But for today, let me tell you about an exciting new venture I am involved in. Let me introduce you to [insert drum roll here]…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    The Bully of Bentonville

    Wal-Mart is the largest company in the world. It brings in revenues in excess of $280 billion, employs almost one and half million American workers, and controls a large share of the business done by almost every U.S. consumer-product company. More than 138 million shoppers stroll through its 5,300 stores each week. With a company…