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Gratuitous Shout-outs

There is lots of talk about Hugh Hewitt’s Blog. I wrote a review, and Jolly blogger decided to affirm that blogging is not the new Reformation. There is some disagreement as to whether Hewitt meant to say that blogging is the new Reformation or whether it will just be the medium that carries it. Blogotional and SmartChristian are talking about the book too.

Shane at 2Twenty8 is giving away three good books. But you have to work for them by writing an article about “A Case For Conviction.” It sounds like a challenging but rewarding task.

It seems everyone is talking about Terry Schiavo, and rightly so. I have decided not to comment so far just because I don’t feel that I have anything to say that hasn’t already been said better by someone else. I don’t have time or inclination to link all of them, but will single out Matthew Hall’s (just because I like the guy). Check out Peggy Noonan’s article as well, as it is an interesting challenge to the Republican Party.

Tim Irvin has some interesting thoughts about what we blog about. You can check them out here. He wonders if much of what we blog about is really worth anyone’s while. I may answer in a longer format, but generally I think it is worth our while, if for no other reason than it makes everyone think about the latest evangelical trends. Too many people follow blindly. If blogs can introduce people to some of the bigger issues, I think they play an important role.

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