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Mysterious Ways…More Than Mere Cliche

Two good friends of mine have begun planting a church in the Greater Toronto Area, in the city of Brampton. For about a year now they have been doing Bible studies, holding preview services on a monthly basis and trying to just meet members of the community. They have had their share of ups and downs (which seems to be the way it goes with church planting, though there are usually far more downs than ups) but in a newsletter they just sent out there was one great praise item. I found it just an awesome way of the Lord working behind the scenes in His providence. Check it out:

It happened recently through an encounter one of our Go mission team members had in September. Bill and Mary Kershaw joined us on Mission in Brampton as a part of an outreach team from Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis. They came to help us reach-out to the residents of a subdivision in our target area. They had a great week prepping, planting, watering and even harvesting among the 250 people they contacted. As a result, the team was blessed with the privilege to see 3 people profess faith in Christ- right on their doorsteps- all while helping our ministry build many new relation bridges over which we can continue to carry the good news.

Below you’ll find a picture of Bill and his new friend Rohan [newsletter only – Tim]. While out sharing, Bill knocked on Rohan’s door to find God was mysteriously at work. Rohan is a Guyanese-Indian from South America who immigrated to Canada. As they talked, Rohan shared how happy he was that a Christian had come to his door since he too was interested in God. As a matter of fact, he shared with Bill how much a radio preacher’s ministry had come to mean to him and asked, “Do you know of a man named Adrian Rogers? I listen to him on the radio and enjoy his teaching.” Bill composed himself and said, “You may not believe this, but, Dr. Rogers is my pastor, and I am here ministering with a new church in partnership with Bellevue.”

You can only imagine how excited they both were. Rohan quickly opened his heart to The Journey and came to the next preview service. He is currently rearranging his schedule so he can join one of our home groups. Even as I sit to write this article, I have an appointment with him to have a coffee and talk about the next stage God has in store for him. Thanks again Bill for your willingness to fly here to make a divine appointment!

You can read about The Journey Church here and can read the rest of the newsletter by selecting Newsletter from the menu.

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